Sunday, September 7, 2014

And now for something completely different.

I cannot say anything about running this week. I ran 9.02 miles of my planned 43.61 this week.

43.61? You ask. Yes, I had every intention of racing at the GBTC Cross Country Festival today. I am a massive nerd so to me a 5k is not 3.1 miles. A 5k is 3.1069 miles which rounds to 3.11 when I sum my weekly totals. Dose this matter? No, but it let me almost have a whole paragraph about running in a post which will otherwise be completely be unrelated to my blog's main topic.

Here's a bit of what I've been up to since I basically stopped running in June. (I call May the last month that I actually was a runner because it was my last 100+ mile month but at only 101 miles in May it might be better to say I haven't really been a runner since I fell apart on the hills in Newton in April).

I went to Portland, ME with Sarah and the Curriers. On the way we saw a truck with the most toilet paper I've ever seen in one place:
Someone knew that they were going to have a shitty weekend.
Freddie knew that he wasn't supposed to be on the couch:
But he sits there anyway.
And makes faces at you if you tell him to get off:
I don't know how to caption this one.
Sarah and I went to Emily and Tom's wedding.
It was awesome.
And drank out of the soda only trash can:
It was good soda.
I got a lot of points at 2048:
Because when you flying as many hours as I am, why the hell not.
Ran the JP Morgan 3.5 Mile race with the Axcelis team:
David approves of this photograph.
I went to Portland, OR to present some research at the Ion Implant Technology conference:
I didn't run much but they had good beer.
I came to Korea and got drunk at a Blues Brothers themed bar:
Yeah, I got nothing about this one.
What do they like in Korea?
I don't actually know, but this picture would have you believe it's the pope and Krispy Kreme.
Here it is zoomed in a bit more:

I drank rice liquor at the Korean Folk Village in Suwon:
Don't think Soju or Sake. This makgeolli stuff is ~8% ABV and rather thick.
My next stop was a temple that looked like it could have been out of an Indiana Jones movie:
Okay, maybe a really calm Indiana Jones movie with absolutely no action. Which would have been better than what we got from their last try...
They had a ton of these little statues:
And by a ton, I probably mean closer to 20 tons of them.
Then I came home in time to go to Bar Harbor, ME with Sarah and the Holzgraf family!
Because even when I'm not running, I wear shirts that say that "Runners Run". Thanks Mike!

Vacation was all too short though, I was right back on a flight to Korea:
Beautiful Dongtan.
At least there is a park that I can run in once in a while:
It is one hell of a hill climb up steep trails to get to this spot.
So that's been my summer. Not much running but a bunch of work and life. Maybe now I can log a few miles.

Can't forget to show off my dinner from the other night; it was probably the best beef sashimi I've had in my 13 weeks in Korea:
I was out with KR and SS: good process engineers and very good hosts! Thanks!
I will be back in the states next weekend but probably won't post until the following week. Next Sunday is our second wedding anniversary so there shall be much celebrating!

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