- Monday: 5.06 miles in 36:06.
- Tuesday: 6.41 miles in 43:27 including the Good Times 5k in 17:59. This was Rose Maguire’s Great Mill Girl Chase 5k which means that the women got a 2:30 head start on the men. This meant that once we caught up with the women we had to weave through traffic on the trail which slowed us down a bit but it was a fun run anyway.
- Wednesday: 12.41 miles in 1:28:53. I was unsure whether I should go to the d5k or the Wakefield lake 5k so instead I ran in Cambridge. There were tons of runners out showing that there was no fear among us runners in Boston.
- Thursday: 5.06 miles in 39:11 at lunch and 9.44 miles in 1:08:59 after work. I ran the No Rest for the Wicked in honor of those from Boston.
- Friday: 5.06 miles in 37:31 at lunch.
- Saturday: 10.00 miles in 1:12:39. This was supposed to be tempo, but I was out late raising toasts on Friday night so I just did an easy run off of about three hours of sleep.
- Sunday: 24.53 miles in 3:03:11. I woke up, put on my running
gear and went out without breakfast or water for a long “depletion” run. I
thought that by running on empty that I would be running 22 miles in 3:00:00
but thought I was running easier than that so I kept going until 1:35:00 before
turning around. I was surprised that despite the distance and intentional
hunger and dehydration this run felt so easy. I’m starting to feel the
confidence that I had when I ran 1:00:30 at Jones.
14 weeks down; 3 weeks to go. It's crunch time!
Run For Boston.
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