Got some workouts in but missed some of the miles I had planned on running. The missed miles put me in a bad mood so I ended up spending most of the week just replying to trolls on RunningAhead with snarkey posts. Less than a month to go until the race so hopefully I'll be a little less sarcastic after that.
4/08/13 – 4/14/13
- Monday: took the day off to recover from the tendon issues that popped up late in my long run on Sunday.
- Tuesday: 2.16 miles warming up in 15:53. 2x 200m strides in 0:36 and 0:38. 5x 1000m in 3:18, 3:25, 3:24, 3:28, 3:29 with 2:30 rest. Target was 3:26-3:30. I wanted 6-8x 1000m but I was having toe issues with my DS Racers and tendon issues with my Cadence so I cut it short. Ended with 2.16 miles in 16:11. This was my first time running on the track at Danehy Park where my soccer career ended with an injury in 2007.
- Wednesday: The tendon thing still hadn't gone away so it was another day of rest.
- Thursday: 7.00 miles of Hills in 55:33. I wanted 10.00 miles on the Park Street hill, but in the morning I gave up eating mammals and started drinking an extra 3 liters of water while at work. The good news was that I felt much better by the end of the day than usual. The bad news is that I needed to cut the run short to pee.
- Friday: 5.06 miles in 39:52 at lunch time. I did not say it was okay to be cold and rainy out but it was anyway. I forgot to bring gloves so I ended up cold and soaked with numb hands but I was going over to the Depot for Eric's 30th birthday dinner after work so I needed to get through it.
- Saturday: 3.06 miles in 20:07. I picked Sarah up at Logan after her red-eye from San Francisco. Then we were out house/condo shopping. We looked at a super awkawardly laid out condo in East Boston so we aren't putting any offers. After that it was over to WholeFoods to get stuff to make gnochi sorentino with garlic pan seared chicken and talapia. I started the sauce when we got home and then darted out for a quick MP run before the Curriers came over for dinner.
- Sunday: 17.95 miles in 2:16:00. Mike scheduled 16 but it was so nice out that I ended up going a bit far. I felt strong on this run so at least I ended the week on a good note.
Tomorrow is the Boston Marathon so here's some numbers that you should be keeping an eye on:
From GLRR:
8795 Biancheri, Andrew
23248 Biancheri,
9362 Bourne, Trish
16507 Bourque, Susan
25285 Brouillette,
1031 Bui, Jason
22406 Cain, Ken
22905 Calvin, Luciana
Chandonnet, Andy
23553 Coney, Aims
8855 Crane, Brian
Desmarais, Ronald
5511 Faria, Fil
22419 Farrow, Chuck
7605 Flores,
10735 Floss, Peter
14222 Ford, Virginia
22948 Goodin,
8142 Graham, Scott
10800 Hadley, Paul
6469 Hancock,
21465 Haskell, Richard
11645 Hersey, Howard
1119 Hrynowski,
15971 Jacks, Sheila
20532 Kanaracus, Steve
11643 Kasabian-Larson,
24279 Kiriakakos, Kelley
22930 Lokere, Kris
13516 Maslowski,
11684 McInerny, Lori
23982 McKenney-Finn, Mary Beth
Molloy, Amy
554 Morasse, Joe
7519 Mottram, Eric
25579 Murphy,
20515 Ottaviano, Gerard
523 Patronick, Justin
9197 Peters,
24365 Phillips, Ray
21093 Pierce, Jack
3659 Ring,
9085 Roberts, Erin
6937 Schroth, Katie
1979 Sullivan, James
18763 Thibeault, Jocelyn
5946 Trotter,
22563 Turcott, Richard
8051 Wallis, Lindsey
4101 Zaganjori,
From Wicked:
F10 Flanagan, Shalane
21742 Carraro, Jason
6167 Chaves, Suzanne
21741 Hewson, Shari
5039 Paulin, Mike
23694 Tabbut, Rich
Probably missing some others but I couldn't find a list from Wicked
I'll probably be out on my lunch-time run when most of you finish but I'll be watching the results from my desk if I have time. All the best to all of you. As usual, I will not say "good luck" about Boston. It isn't about luck, it's about the hard work you've been putting in for the past months and years.
13 weeks down and just 4 weeks remaining until Maine Coast!!!
May your training miles be ever hilly and may all your races have free beer!