Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 7

This week started out tough while I was recovering from Jones but I finally started rolling again towards the end of the week.

02/25/13 – 03/03/13: 5 Runs, 0 Injuries, 53.15 Miles, 6:33:38.
  • Monday: Rest. I probably should have got in a recovery run. Even three miles would have helped but I was lazy instead.
  • Tuesday: Track Work at Reggie Lewis with Coach Toomey. 2 mile warm-up in 15:23, 2x200m strides: 41, 42. 8x400m: 1:21, 1:18, 1:18, 1:18, 1:18, 1:17, 1:17, 1:13 with 90sec rest. 4:00min rest. 8x400m: 1:18, 1:18, 1:17, 1:17, 1:17, 1:17, 1:18, 1:12 with 90sec rest. 2 mile cool-down in 15:18.
  • Wednesday: 8.90 in 1:10:44 at the Danvers 15k. I don’t actually know what the distance is on this one but they call it the Danvers 15k so I logged it as such. Ran with Suzanne and Mike and Erin? This one was most definitely a “well at least I did a run” sort of day. It was just warm enough that the rain wasn’t snow so it was totally miserable. Suzanne rolled an ankle in a pothole hidden by a puddle and the continued to lead the way back in and Mike was just a few days out from destroying the Black Cat 20 Miler in 2:11:04 so he was cruising along easily. I would have dropped back much earlier, but I was totally lost so I needed to stay close to get back to my car. I was just happy to get this one over with and go home to shower and warm up.
    • Thanks Aaron for the corrected distance of the d15k.
    • Come run the Danvers5k:
  • Thursday: I swapped my Thursday run with my Friday rest day because I was having GI issues since lunch and was still hurting from Wednesday night.
  • Friday: 9.52 miles in 1:16:10. I needed a nice slow run with some hills like this.
  • Saturday: 9.05 miles in 1:00:01. My new tempo pace since dropping my marathon goal from 2:55:00 to 2:50:00 is now 6:10. This was my first tempo at the new pace and it was hard, but thanks to the unforgiving nature of the treadmill I got dragged along for 5 miles at 6:10 in the middle of this run.
  • Sunday: 17:45 miles in 2:14:05. It felt good to complete my first legit long run since January and my longest run YTD. I ate snickers the whole way and that helped. I did this as laps of Fresh Pond in Cambridge.

It was nice to get back up over 50 for my weekly mileage, but it’s time to start pushing that up into the 60s. Hopefully, I’ll make all 6 planned runs this week and get that first 60+ mile week of the year.

In non-running related news, Sarah and I are now shopping for a new apartment! We haven’t found our new place yet but it is super exciting to think that later this year we will have new-ish appliances, a working fan in our bathroom and lighting fixtures that were installed after disco went out of style!

Cheers and happy running!

7 week down and 10 weeks left until the Maine Coast Marathon!

May your training miles be ever hilly and may all your races have free beer!

1 comment:

  1. Disco went out of style? I gotta pay more attention to these cultural trends, things change so quickly these days.
