Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weekly Update

One more week down; this is just my weekly log. There were so many good runs at Jones that I’ll do a post dedicated to just the race in a day or two.

02/18/13 – 02/24/13: 5 Runs, 1 Missed Run, 2 Aborted Runs, 1 Race, 0 Injuries, 34.08 Miles, 3:56:07.
New 10 Mile PR
  • Monday:  6.6 miles in 0:50:00 in the morning and 4.75 miles in 0:35:00 in the evening. In the morning I was very sluggish but I figured that I would slog my way through it and put in a good run after work. After work the jetlag was hitting me hard and I just wanted to go to bed so I took an hour long nap then did an easy run on the treadmill. Then I went back up to my room to try to work on getting over the 14 hour time difference between Boston and Suwon.
  • Tuesday: 2.8 miles in 0:21:32 in the morning, aborted it early. The dehydration I always get is Asia is really starting to set in. I’m trying to drink as much water as I can but it’s not so easy around here and the air is super dry.
  • Wednesday: I was too dehydrated to even try to run in the AM. In the evening we went out to dinner to discuss how the meetings went this week and drink Soju and eat Sashimi. No PM run.
  • Thursday: 2 miles in 0:14:55. Soju and Sashimi do not make for good GI happiness at 6am the next morning so I aborted this run early. Had a 6pm flight back to Boston so no PM run.
  • Friday: I slept all day. Well, I got up and worked for a bit but no running.
  • Saturday: 6.43 miles in 0:44:40. When I finished this easy run at <7 pace I started thinking that I might not have given up as much fitness while in Korea as I had thought.
  • Sunday: 9:30 up with race pace and some strides. PR at the Jones Realty 10 Miler in 1:00:30.
I didn’t run as much as I had hoped this week, but Jones was a >6 minute PR so I’ll call it a good week. Jones was 2 seconds per mile faster than my 15km PR pace and 3 seconds per mile faster than my 10km PR…looks like I’ve got some other PRs to chase down this spring.

There were some huge performances today at Jones by GLRR but the results aren’t up yet so I’ll put together something in a few days about the race with proper shout-outs. Cheers and awesome job by all who braved the roads to get out to Jones today!

6 week down and 11 weeks left until Maine Coast!

May your training miles be ever hilly and may all your races have free beer!

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